6¢ A DAY!


Upgrade now and get all of these amazing membership benefits:
Play Unlimited games at once
Play real time Lightning games
Play on any of our 100+ Maps with more on the way each month!
Create games with Advanced Rules like Fog of War, Flat Rate Cards, etc
Play in Team Games and have your friends help you attack the enemy
Play in Tournament Games with cash prizes
No Ads
And much much more...


Monthly Bootcamp Games Starting soon! Join Today!
** Important Note **

If you use a different email for Paypal and your account here, please email us at victorsunited@noodleware.com with your Victors United email AND your username and we will process your upgrade as soon as possible.

Thank you for your understanding
and Support!


We have 2 ways to Upgrade:
Yearly $23.95
Monthly $4.25
Your info is always 100% safe and secure and will not be shared with anyone. Clicking one of the options above will send you to our trusted payment partner, Paypal, to complete your transaction.